Hi All, we have upgraded our NetWare servers to 6.5. I will try and make
this as clear as I can, we have a Novell cluster with 4 Servers. We have
sans attached to them. TSM does not treat them as a cluster. I have
installed TSM to each Novell Server and treat them as any normal TSM
client. IN the inclexcl.dsm file, I just exclude volumes that reside on
the other 3 servers. So if these volumes get pushed over to any other
Server within the cluster, they will NOT get backed up. This is the way
we want it, due to Novell cluster server and TSM not getting along. Up
until this last upgrade of NetWare 6.5 this worked fine, we ran INC
backups daily and TSM would see all the Sans volumes assigned to each
Server within the cluster. What has happened since the upgrade is SPEED
(or lack of) of backups , and as you will see below we have to tell the
Tsm schedule to include the sans volumes. has anyone ran into this
problem? We are running 5.2.2 on the client with TSM server code of Adding the volumes to the schedule is one thing, but take a
look at how long our backups are now taking.....This is also very slow
when doing restores.....We have just added NetWare SP2 as well, but did
not help.....

09/21/2004 19:59:38 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN
09/21/2004 19:59:38 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END
09/21/2004 19:59:38 Next operation scheduled:
09/21/2004 19:59:38
09/21/2004 19:59:38 Schedule Name:         INC_S_IEPA_03
09/21/2004 19:59:38 Action:                Incremental
09/21/2004 19:59:38 Objects:               v004:\ v005:\ v009:\ v011:\
v012:\ v013:\ v016:\ v018:\
09/21/2004 19:59:38 Options:
09/21/2004 19:59:38 Server Window Start:   20:00:00 on 09/21/2004
09/21/2004 19:59:38
09/21/2004 19:59:38
Executing scheduled command now.
09/21/2004 19:59:38 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN INC_S_IEPA_03
09/21/2004 20:00:00
09/21/2004 20:51:54 ANS1228E Sending of object
'V005:/Users/EPA8806/Archive/Software/Favorites/Software/dtSearch --
Text Retrieval - Full Text Search Engine [0226].url' failed
09/21/2004 20:51:55 ANS4005E Error processing
'V005:/Users/EPA8806/Archive/Software/Favorites/Software/dtSearch --
Text Retrieval - Full Text Search Engine [0226].url': file not found
09/21/2004 21:31:02 ANS1802E Incremental backup of 'V005:/*' finished
with 1 failure

09/22/2004 02:27:38 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
09/22/2004 02:27:39 Total number of objects inspected: 1,544,740
09/22/2004 02:27:39 Total number of objects backed up:   10,643
09/22/2004 02:27:39 Total number of objects updated:          0
09/22/2004 02:27:39 Total number of objects rebound:          0
09/22/2004 02:27:39 Total number of objects deleted:          0
09/22/2004 02:27:39 Total number of objects expired:        105
09/22/2004 02:27:40 Total number of objects failed:           1
09/22/2004 02:27:40 Total number of bytes transferred:     2.82 GB
09/22/2004 02:27:40 Data transfer time:                  221.26 sec
09/22/2004 02:27:40 Network data transfer rate:        13,386.33
09/22/2004 02:27:40 Aggregate data transfer rate:        127.22 KB/sec
09/22/2004 02:27:40 Objects compressed by:                    0%
09/22/2004 02:27:41 Elapsed processing time:           06:28:00
09/22/2004 02:27:41 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
09/22/2004 02:27:41 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END INC_S_IEPA_03 09/21/2004
09/22/2004 02:27:41 Scheduled event 'INC_S_IEPA_03' completed
09/22/2004 02:27:41 Sending results for scheduled event
09/22/2004 02:27:41 Results sent to server for scheduled event

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