        That's another good idea, but not the answer for me. All 3 tapes
look fine and move when I turn the spindle.

All is well now. I ended up halting the server and restarting. I suspect
that the library was confused and that the Init Element from turning it
off straightened it out, but the TSM software didn't get the message until
I restarted it. I was hoping to find an elegant (nondisruptive) solution,
but at least I found a solution.

Thanks Rick, Bill, David, & Doug.

Nancy Reeves
Technical Support, Wichita State University
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          316-978-3860


I have a 3575 and have had similar problems when the tape inside the
cartridge has snapped. The cartridge gets loaded into the drive by the
library but it never comes ready. Check the cartridges out of the library,
open the access door at the end of the cartridge and have a peek inside. I
wouldn't be surprised if the tape isn't visible anymore because it has
pulled completely inside the cartridge. If this is the case then the
cartridges are beyond hope. You'll need to use the restore volume command
to recover the data from your copypool tapes.

Rick Saylor
Austin Community College

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