What about:

nohup command >logfile 2>%1
tail -f logfile

Nick Cassimatis

He who laughs last has a good backup.

             Richard Sims                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                              
             Sent by: "ADSM:                                            To
             Dist Stor                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
             Manager"                                                   cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
             .EDU>                                                 Subject
                                       Re: AW: DSMSERV UNLOADDB        
             10/07/2004 11:56                                          
             Please respond to                                         
             "ADSM: Dist Stor                                          

On Oct 7, 2004, at 11:34 AM, Sternecker, Peter wrote:

> if your TSM-Server runs on Unix
> shell command | tee path_to_logfile
> this sends output to the terminal and the logfile.

That will pipe Stdout, but not Stderr, where scary stuff
goes.  You may instead want to do

     shell command 2>&1 | tee path_to_logfile

or more conveniently use Cshell:

     command |& tee path_to_logfile

This keeps important msgs from being lost.

    Richard Sims

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