Make sure the PASSWORDDIR option in dsm.sys,  for the new  stanza,
points to a directory where the notes user for the new partition can write
It probably is pointing to one of the already configured partitions and is
unable to write to it.


"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/08/2004
02:30:52 PM:

> Hi all,

> I'm having trouble with my setup here, please help...

> My system is:
> Solaris 8
> Lotus Notes R5

> I was asked to setup backup for a newly created notes partition. it
> is the 5th notes partition on this particular server and on the
> other four partitions, the backup is running smoothly. I'm new to
> this stuff, so i follow instructions form ibm: "Configuring Data
> Protection for Domino", on the solaris section.. heres what i did:

> - run dominstall
> - make dsm_notes5.opt (option file for this particullar partition)
> - ask the TSM admin to add my new node
> - edit dsm.sys (copy param/options of other nodes/partition)

> well, after all that i seems fine. but if i enter domdsmc commands,

> ACD5025E PASSWORDACCESS is Generate. Either the stored password
> is incorrect or there is no stored password. If you do
> not have a stored password, use of the -ADSMPWD=xxx option
> will set and store your password.
> ANS1025E (RC137) Session rejected: Authentication failure

> so i tried to enter the same command with -ADSMPWD using our
> password and its OK.
> it seems that every time i will issue domdsmc command, i will add
> that option (-ADSMPWD)

> How will i resolve this?

> I tried to use "dsmc set password nodename notes_server5", (as root)
> it seems that "nodename" and "notes_server5" are treated as old and
> new passwords..
> when i was asked to enter userid, i just press enter for the default
> (which is the systems hostname) and enter the password.

> I play along with "dsmc set password" command, but still no luck.
> The WORST thing is, when i tried to query dbbackup on ALL other
> partitions (domdsmc query dbbackup "mail/m*"), i now get this error:

> ANS0282E (RC168) Password file is not available.

> Very bad! I screwed out! Can somebody help me out and point me into
> the right direction?

> Thanks in Advance!

> Whew!,
> radismus

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