> Well, it took some time convincing Level 2 support, but IBM has opened APAR
> IC43086 for this behavior!

Eric - you'v better luck then I had many years ago (when I mentioned this 
problem to IBM).

> So, in the future we don't have to run the SQL statement down below
> anymore. Good thing, because it runs for 9 hours in my shop! A nasty side
> affect is that it puts a lock on your storage pool which causes all storage
> pool update commands to hang until the command has finished!!

Well, I like to keep things simple and used this "script" for many years (if I 
remember well):

select volume_name as "Volume", 
days(current_date)-days(last_write_date) as "Days since last write",
pct_utilized as "utilized", stgpool_name as "Storage pool name" from volumes 
where status='FILLING' and days(last_write_date) < (days(current_date)-14)

Runs for a couple of seconds and gives you a list of FILLING tapes not used in 
14 days. And then you decide on which tapes you like to run a MOVE DATA.

Henk ten Have ("Izze Zimpel")

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