Good Afternoon.
I have everything setup for my INTEL machine running Win2K(TSM 5.2) to
backup to my TSM server(AIX 5.2, TSM 5.22) and I kicked off the
scheduled backup.  The client sits behind a firewall with port 6150 open
in 1 direction(server to client).
The server contacts the client but in the error log of the client I'm
Client TSM error log.
11/04/2004 14:33:16 ReadPswdFromRegistry(): RegOpenPathEx(): Win32 RC=2
11/04/2004 14:33:16 ReadPswdFromRegistry(): getRegValue(): Win32 RC=2 .
11/04/2004 14:33:16 sessOpen: Error 137 from signon authentication.
OPT File - Key items
tcpport          6150

I went through the wizard and put the password in when it came to that
It's the same password as the password I had set on the server.
The server keeps connecting to the client and the client keeps putting
out the same error.
I'm not sure how to get them to sync up so the backups take place.


-----Original Message-----
From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 11:44 AM
To: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
Cc: Jones, Eric J; Prather, Wanda
Subject: RE: Running INTEL machine through firewall

I'm not sure this is documented anywhere, but I could only get a Windows
machine to work with ServerOnly If I also set SCHEDMODE to PROMPTED.

In dsm.opt:
sessioninitiation     serveronly
schedmode    prompted

The password issue:  The password is not "generated" the first time.
When you registered the client to the server, you assigned it a

To set up the scheduler on the INTEL client, start the GUI client, from
the top menu pull down Utilites -> Setup Wizard.  Check "help me
configure the scheduler".

Walk through the wizard; the wizard installs the scheduler as a Windows
Service (like an AIX daemon that is defined in /etc/inittab).

- For the "scheduler name", type in "TSM SCHEDULER", or something
similarly descriptive.

- one of the items you will be asked for is the password.  The password
gets encrypted and saved in the registry so that the scheduler can
contact the TSM server.

- you will also be asked for the port, the server TCP/IP address, etc.

-When you are asked about the log file names, include/exclude, just take
the defaults.

-The only non-obvious thing:  when you get to the step in the Wizard
that asks for "service login options", leave the box checked that says
"system", but change startup from Manual to "AUTOMATIC".

After you check FINISH, the service should be started (go to Start ->
Settings -> Control Panel -> Admin tools -> Services, look for TSM
Scheduler).   Check the dsmsched.log file to make sure you get the
"waiting for server to contact" message, and you are good to go.

The next time the password expires, the server will "generate" a new one
and pass it down to the client.

Hope that helps...

Wanda Prather
"I/O, I/O, It's all about I/O"  -(me)

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Jones, Eric J
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 3:29 PM
Subject: Running INTEL machine through firewall

Good Afternoon.
I'm running TSM 5.2.2 server on an AIX machine running AIX 5.2.
I have a UNIX machine behind the firewall which I currently backup over
port 6150 without a problem using "ServerInitiated Backups".
The Passwordaccess is set to generate.
To setup the UNIX machine the 1st time I went to the command line(on
client), typed dsmc, kickoff the scheduled backup from the server and it
prompted for the password.  I entered the PW and the backup took off.
After the 1st time it(password entered) the backups run each day with no
The firewall has only port 6150 open in 1 direction(server to client).

How do you setup an INTEL machine with "ServerOnly", server initiated
On the server I have the client setup with the following
Session Initiation ServerOnly
On the client do I need to add a line in the dsm.opt
"sessioninitiation     serveronly"
In the dsm.opt currently I have
Passwordacces           generate
tcpclientp              6150
SCHEDMODE       polling                          (assume that client is
waiting for server to contact it)

Is there any other lines I need to add?
Also how is the password generated the 1st time so the communications
between the server and client is established when the server contacts
the client.   I have not setup a windows machine through the firewall
and the documentation seemed easier to understand with AIX than with

Have a Great Day,

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