We too, have seen many problems with AIT-3.

I run 5 TSM Server that use AIT-3 drives in a Qualstar library.  These all
give me problems.
I also run two TSM Servers using 3590E drives in a 3494 library.  Almost no
problems with these two.

Of the 5 AIT-3 systems, problems seem to be proportional to the load on the
TSM Server.  Two of these ar AIX and three are Solaris.  I have had
problems with TSM 5.1 and 5.2, currently running and and

The most heavily used system presents problems absolutely every day.
   We replaced all of the drives - did not help.
   We ordered a new batch of tapes - did not help.
   Worked with the vendor - did not help.

Some of the specific issues that I see are:
  a) Write errors (a couple per day), TSM sets volume access to readonly.
Sometimes if I reset the volume access to readwrite and try again, the tape
writes the next time.  Once I get three write errors on a tape, I do a Move
Data and reuse the tape as scratch.  Almost all of the time, the next write
pass works just fine on the tape.  Occasionally the same tape gives me
problems and I retire the tape.  I have resorted to cleaning each drive
once per day.  Jury still out on if this is helping.
  b) Tape fails to unload.  TSM reports Drive Failure with ASC/ASCQ=44/00
(internal target failure).  Usually the tape unloads if I hold in the eject
button for 20-30 seconds, sometimes I need to power cycle the drive to get
the tape to unload.  Microcode level 0205 seems to have al but eliminated
this problem.  But now I get ASC/ASCQ=3B/08 with about the same frequency
as the 44/00 had been getting.  The 3B/08 (reposition error) does not leave
the tape stuck in the drive, but TSM does turn the drive offline.  So it
appears that the microcode upgrade traded the problem and helped somewhat.
in that a physical visit to the stuck tape drive is no longer necessary.
  c0 Drive failures.  I've had to replace 5 (of the 10) drives on this
busiest system in the past month.  Different failure modes: 1) Drive failed
to unload tapes, including a cleaning cartridge, 2) Drive gets three
flashing lights on any attempted tape load, cleaning cartridge works okay,
3) Every time I attempted to turn this drive online, it hung the SCSI bus,
4) One replacement drive was DOA, would not even power up, 5) Every tape
loaded resulted in ASC/ASCQ=30/02 (media incompatibility).
  d) I had to replace a drive on the second most busy system today.  The
drive gets I/O Error Reading Label on every tape it tries to mount.  This
resulted in all (61) of my scratch tapes being rejected and put into
private status.  All of the "filling" status tapes were also tried,
rejected and put into "unavailable" access.  Took a while to sort all of
this out.  Tried cleaning the drive a couple of time, but this did not

Is there some way that the three of us (at least) can get together to
resolve some of these issues?  Any ideas?

Robert R. Price
ADSM/TSM Administrator
Computer Sciences Corporation
Phone: 412-374-3247
Fax: 412-374-6371


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                      "Barth, Terry
                      (MBS)"                   To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      <Terry.Barth             cc:
                      @MORTGAGEFAMILY.         Subject: Re: AIT3 and errors
                      Sent by: "ADSM:
                      Dist Stor
                      Manager" <ADSM-L

                      11/11/04 11:59
                      Please respond
                      to "ADSM: Dist
                      Stor Manager"

We have just had the library replaced along with many of the tapes and we
still continue to see errors.  :(

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
David Benigni
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: AIT3 and errors


Yes!  I'm glad to hear someone else is having problems too.  I've had a
number of drive failures occur too.  Right now I'm working with the
vendor to resolve these issues.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/11/2004 10:02:30 AM >>>
Good Morning -

Is anyone out there using AIT3 and experiencing high error issues, such
i/o errors reading labels, write errors, read errors, data integrity
stuck tapes?


-- Terry

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