
We have a 3583TL Library and have both LTO2 and LTO1 tapes.
We want to use our LTO2 tapes for onsite backups. The LTO1 tapes only
for offsite backups.
There are two storage pools we want to have on an offsite copy, one on
tape and one on disk. I take a daily copy storage pool of those two
storage pools.

Sometimes we have both LTO2 and LTO1 scratch volumes in the library (the
copy storage pool and the other tape storage pool are in the same
library). I want to avoid that TSM takes an LTO2 scratch volume to add
to the copy storage pool.

Is there a way to automatically 'disable' those scratch LTO2 volumes so
that is only takes LTO1 scratch volumes to make the copy storage pool?
I don't want to check out all the LTO2 volumes each day...

Thanks for your help!

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