In working with our Oracle DBA's they feel TSM< should manage the RMAN Oracle 
Retentions etc...   Is there a "Preferred method?"  If so why?

Here's one of our DBA's response when I told them my understanding is that RMAN 
usually manages the Backup Retentions etc....

"Note on page 85 of the RMAN Backup and Recovery Handbook it says:

"If you are using a tape management system, it may have its own retention 
policy.  If the tape management system's retention policy is in conflict with 
the backup retention policy you have defined in RMAN, the tape management 
system's retention policy will take precedence and your ability to recovery a 
backup will be in jeopardy."

That is why I was leaving it up to the Tivoli retention policy to be used 
instead of RMAN retention policies. This seems to be in conflict with the 
comment about TSM having a "dumb repository".

Thanks for you thoughts...



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