On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 11:48:25AM -0500, Richard Sims wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2005, at 10:54 AM, Hans-Dieter Kutz wrote:
> >Hey out there,
> >is there any other possibility than unloading the TSM-DB to "shrink"
> >the dbvol?
> Reorganizing the TSM database is a complex kludge which utilizes a
> utility classified as a Salvage utility, and subjects your server to
> considerable downtime. The process may also uncover dormant problems in
> your database which can result in further complexities, time, and
> possible data jeopardy.
> How about posting the big picture of what you are overall trying to
> achieve? We can collectively advise better where overall goals are
> defined.
>     Richard Sims
OK. Lets Picture it:
TSM: Storage Management Server for AIX-RS/6000 - Version 5, Release 1, Level 8.0

# query db

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct  Max.
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util   Pct
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages                  Util
--------- -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- -----
    7.900    4.100     3.800       292   4.096 1.049.600   973.857  92,8  92,8

# query log

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct  Max.
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util   Pct
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages                  Util
--------- -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- -----
    3.952    3.952         0     3.832   4.096 1.011.200    29.496   2,9   2,9

# q logvol f=d
Volume Name (Copy 1): /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/log/log1.dsm
         Copy Status: Sync'd
Volume Name (Copy 2): /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/logcopy/log1copy.dsm
         Copy Status: Sync'd
Volume Name (Copy 3):
         Copy Status: Undefined
Available Space (MB): 3.952
Allocated Space (MB): 3.952
     Free Space (MB): 0

I want to shrink the db (92,8% Util). So would do the following steps:
1. Backup DB (3494/3590 Drives)
2. Backup DB to filesystem (already defined devclass for that)
3. Backup devconfig and volhist
4. dsmserv unloaddb devclass=DBBACK-DC
5. dsmserv loadformat 1 FILE:"/tsmexport/bin/logvol.txt" 1 
6. dsmserv LOADDB DEVclass=DBBACK-DC 

Then my knowledge stops.
Do I have to restore the devconfig and the volhist? If so, how?
Are there any other important things that are not mentioned?


Princess Leia:
        I'll be back.

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