Thanks for the idea - by collocating the offsite, does that mean that you
eject one tape per node every day? Or how does the collocate happen, given
the previous tapes are offisite?

I'd love to collocate the offsite, and am reading some interesting ideas in
the maillist archives about Restore STGPOOL to up-stage the tapes to disk,
without tape contention, so everyone can start restores at the same time...

-----Original Message-----
From: David E Ehresman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 13 January, 2005 11:28
Subject: Re: TSM DR Exercise Restore Ideas

We colocate onsite and offsite tapes for all of our important (in a DR
sense) nodes.  TSM runs on a dedicated machine with dedicated tape
drives.  Backups run at night.  Thus the machine and tape drives are
available all day for backup storagepool, migrate, and reclaim.  Since
reclaims are single-threaded by storagepool and we have more tape drives
than storagepools, we use a shell script to generate MOVE DATA to
reclaim the offsite tapes.  That way we can run as many at one time as
we have tape drives available.  This keeps the number of our offsite
tapes to the minimum.

David Ehresman

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/13/05 10:56 AM >>>
Hi All:

I am looking for suggestions to improve efficiency in our Backup

We backup 200 nodes to a DASD diskpool (large enough for one day's
then migrate to a VTS, with an offiste copy going to 3490
(uncollocated, of
course). To improve day-to-day restores, we implemented a weekly
for our nodes. This means that restores come from a maximum of the last
week's worth of tapes (only need the active versions of the files).
these full backups make our Disaster Recovery restores easier to work
(when we get to the DR location, we call for tapes from the past
and all incrementals since. The problem is that we only have the
city-to-city bandwidth to offer weekly full backups to the nodes
participating in the DR plan...

What I would like to do is remove the VTS, have the backups direct to
then migrate to a collocated 3490, with an offiste copy same as
Having done this, we would have improved backup performace for all
and provided great restore performance for all nodes.

Problem: Without weekly full backups, the offsite tapes required for a
restore would grow to a huge number (Operating System files would be on
very early tape, and every tape generated since would have incremental
for that node). Is there any way to make a shorter list of tapes
for DR? How is everyone else dealing with the offsite tapes? Again, we
only interested in the "active versions". I could aggressively reclaim
offsite pool to create newer tapes, but that's a lot of TSM thrashing
little gain (still cannot say to the vault "send me all tapes since
Saturday". Daily backupsets do not work within the DR plan, as far as I
tell. (Unless I can generate a backupset to remain inside TSM, which
get copied to the offsite daily, and still be available at the DR

I must be missing a command or a concept - how is everyone else doing
Any thoughts appreciated.

Adam Sulis
2nd Floor, Tunney's Pasture L002
Tel (613) 998-9093

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