/* Begin tongue-in-cheek
I use this formula:
wc = windoze clients
xc = unix clients
nc = netware clients
nas = nas clients
lf = lan-free clients
lb = libraries
d = number of different tape drive technologies
s = tsm instances
u = upgrades per year (O/S, DB, TSM, etc)
pm = platform migrations per year
b = percent of capacity being used (time windows, cpu, LAN, FC, etc)
t = CNT's TSM Reporting Tool being used (shameless plug)
a = TSM FTE's

a = ( wc /200 + xc / 400 + nc / 50 + nas / 10 + lf /25 + lb /10 + d / 2 + s /8 
+ u / 8 + pm / 2 ) * (1+b-.6)  * (t * 0.4)
So if wc =400, xc = 100, nc = 5 nas = 4 lf = 5, the client contribution is 2 + 
.5 + .1 +.4 + .2 = 3.2
And if lb = 2, d = 1, s = 4, u = 2, pm = .5, b=.60, the admin contribution is 
.1 + .5 + .5 + .25 + .25 = 1.6
Preliminary total = 4.8
If busy factor is 0.8, multiply by 1.2 or 5.75.
if t=1, total = 2.3, which would be two good admins, one good and two medium 
admins, or seven poor admins.
/* End tongue-in-cheek

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager on behalf of Prather, Wanda
Sent: Mon 1/17/2005 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: How Many Backup Administrators to Data Backed Up?

A couple of years ago, a very large TSM installation (a member of our
local user group) got together with a couple of other very large TSM
installations and seriously studied this question.  I don't remember how
to find the posting, but I did write down the numbers.

What they came up with is that the number of FTE admins is related not
to your hardware, number of TSM servers, or how much data you back up,
but on the number of SCHEDULES you have running (which for most sites is
about equal to the number of clients).

Worked out to 1 FTE for each 150-200 schedules.

If you need a contact # for more info, I can probably get it for you. 

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Hart, Charles
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: How Many Backup Administrators to Data Backed Up?

Too true... I am finding that we spend a lot less time managing our TSM
as we have to spend managing the Netbackup environment.  ;-)

Thanks again. This is great info, now if I can find the time to

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Kauffman, Tom
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: How Many Backup Administrators to Data Backed Up?

Yeah, but then I'll come along and screw up the numbers <grin>.

One TSM server, 10 LTO2 drives in a 3584 library; 25 servers (18 AIX, 7
Windows). We don't do desktop systems.

We do about 2.6 TB of backup and archiving nightly and copy about 1.8 TB
to move off-site daily.

I'm the primary TSM admin -- I spend less then 2 hours per day on TSM on
a bad day, maybe 40 minutes on a good day. I have two aides that spend
an average of 20 minuts total per day on TSM. There are a few
exceptions, but for the most part we're tuned to be fully automated.

I am about to totally rework my database backup process for the backup
that goes offsite, and I expect to invest roughly 20 hours over the next
two weeks doing the coding, testing, and documentation. But on a
day-to-day process, we treat TSM with benign negelct here.

Tom Kauffman

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Hart, Charles
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: How Many Backup Administrators to Data Backed Up?

Thank you all for your input.  Seems like the Backup World is big
enough, you would think Gartner would publish a Basic Ratio as they do
for SAN admins to disk. (Like many places our mngt thinks Gartner is
King) but this exercise we go through annually is to get upper mngt's
but in).

Have a great day!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
David Nicholson
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: How Many Backup Administrators to Data Backed Up?

What a great time for this post/question!!!  Thanks for asking it!!

(2) TSM servers, 2 tape Libraries (3494 w/ 15 3590's drives / 2500 cells
and a 3584 w/ 6 LTO II drives / 250 cells)
800 nodes (AIX, Windows, Linux) Every flavor of DB or app you can
We backup 2-3TB a day.
Total stored in TSM is 90TB, combined database used is 80GB.

We invest around 4-8 hours a day on TSM "stuff".  TSM like everything
is under staffed...we could be investing about 3 times the amount of
people resources on TSM that we currently do.


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