Hello All!

I have found a lot of info. on the attributes of a node changing, but I am
still a little confused on how to fix it and of course the IBM website
can't seem to let me view the info. on this topic!  I have noticed that
ANR1639i appears when our Oracle users archive their data to the TSM
server.  I was just wondering what I can tell them to do/change within
their archive command in order to prevent these messages?  I noticed info.
about using the virtualnodename parameter, but all references referred to
restores/retrieves instead of an actual archive so I wasn't quite sure what
fix would apply.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

08.24.59 STC56125  ANR1639I Attributes changed for node FJSU112: TCP
Address fro
08.24.59 STC56125  to

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems

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