On Wednesday 19 January 2005 21:57, Miles Purdy wrote:
> Has anyone out there migrated or installed a TSM server in a p5 micro
> partition (not an LPAR)?
Mhh, I once installed it as a test, but not in a production environment.

> I'd be interested in your settings for:
> Number of processors: dedicated or virtual.
> And: desired / min / max.
> Are you using SMT?
> As well as,
> Processing power: desired / minimum / maximum
> and: capped or uncapped
> My initial thoughts are:
> virtual CPUs (since I'm using micro partitions)
> des/min/max = 2/1/2
> Processing power (des/min/max) = .2/.1/1.5 uncapped
> I think I will use SMT on it.
You only need to disable SMT in certain situtations (I once read a paper about
it, but I don't have the link anymore).  I can remember me that you need to
disable SMT if you need a lot of memory bandwidth.  You can enable SMT and
monitor the CPU usage.  You can disable SMT when the system is running and
monitor again to see the difference.

> I don't think my TSM server needs a lot of CPU power. I recall that
> expiration used the most CPU power, but that it is a single threaded
> processes. So more than CPU probably won't make it run much faster.
2 cpu's can be handy: 1 for exiration and one for the rest.


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