Yes we are using it in one of our clients.

We have the CDL holding the primary STGpools, and apart from some weird SCSI
errors solved upgrading it's Firmware, we have no troubles at all configuring

The top performance we got was around 90Mb/s using the only FC interface we
have on the AIX TSM server connected to a Clariion Disk and the CDL at the
same time.  All the other clients and StorageAgents are installed in
slower/older machines, doing between 10 to 40Mb/s.

For external storage we are using an Storagetek L80 with LTO2 drives so I
don't have any experience on offsite reclamation.

All the other operations ar working successfully as if it where a normal
library on steroids, 2-3 seconds in average to mount/wind/rewind. :-)

What is you experience?



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 13:40
Subject: EMC's Clarion Disk Library - Is anyone using a CDL for TSM?

Is anyone on the list using EMC's CDL library for TSM backup?

Have you had any performance problems with backup and  restore?

Can it keep up with onsite and offsite reclamation?

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