Expiration is a key metric to determining whether your database is too
large.  If you cannot keep up with expiration, then your situation can
deteriorate very quickly (as we discovered).  A large database can also
result in performance problems when doing no-query-restores or other db

Cancelling expiration does *not* cause you to start at the beginning
again.  It is fine to do this.

Running multiple instances on one server may be reasonable.  We did this
when we split our database.  It really depends on whether you are
bottlenecked on a hardware resource or not.

If you can't complete a full expiration in a reasonable time period (i.e.,
a couple days to a week), then I would say it is time to split your database.


At 01:43 PM 1/21/2005, Robin Sharpe wrote:
>How long does your expiration run and how have you managed it?

Well, that's an interesting story... we are not doing any expirations right
now due to reasons beyond my control.  When we were running expirations, it
ran about an hour.... but the database was "only" about 180GB then.

Robin Sharpe
Berlex Labs

Paul Zarnowski                         Ph: 607-255-4757
719 Rhodes Hall, Cornell University    Fx: 607-255-8521
Ithaca, NY 14853-3801                  Em: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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