Hi to all

When running a backup on Netware client version 6.05 with TSM client version I got this error message .
I know then Outlook must be closed to prevent this error on the pst file  but 
why the backup didn't continue ???? 
Any way to conturn this problem ...... My copy serialization is on Dynamic 

01/23/2005 20:16:08 ANS1228E Sending of object 
'DATA:/USERS/ADMIN/ANNA/outlook_personal/anna.pst' failed
01/23/2005 20:16:08 ANS1301E Server detected system error

01/23/2005 20:30:15 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Total number of objects inspected:  133,067
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Total number of objects backed up:   19,612
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Total number of objects updated:          0
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Total number of objects rebound:          0
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Total number of objects deleted:          0
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Total number of objects expired:        211
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Total number of objects failed:           7
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Total number of bytes transferred:     2.49 GB
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Data transfer time:                  332.72 sec
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Network data transfer rate:        7,866.75 KB/sec
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Aggregate data transfer rate:      1,533.02 KB/sec
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Objects compressed by:                    0%
01/23/2005 20:30:16 Elapsed processing time:           00:28:27
01/23/2005 20:30:16 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
01/23/2005 20:30:16 ANS1074W *** User Abort ***

01/23/2005 20:30:16 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END SCHED5 01/23/2005 20:00:00
01/23/2005 20:30:16 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'SCHED5' failed.  Return code = 12.

Ouen Robert

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