==> On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 16:49:47 -0700, Kathy Mitton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> We understand that it is hard to give up an interface you know well and
> switch to a new one. To help you with this transition, we developed
> several Flash tutorials which are available from within the Administration
> Center.

I don't think there's anyone on this list who is incapapable, or even much
hampered, by the drift on interface.  I think that the people on this list
support thousands of folks who have been variously trained to operate the
"old" web interface.

What you have done is bust -your- clients (us) by forcing us to bust -our-
clients.  For my own part, I've got about 50 local TSM admins and operations
staff who are only occasional TSM users.  I've supplied them with click-level
cookbooks to do their basic operations.

You have broken, in one swell foop, my entire documentation corpus.  This
means I have an irrelevant bolus of work to get done before I can use
collocation groups.  This torques me off.

> 6. We have heard your requests to bring back the old interface.  Since that
> interface was not uplifted with the new TSM 5.3 function and our intent is
> to only enhance the new interface, we decided not to release it.  Instead we
> are focusing on continued enhancements to the new interface at as rapid a
> rate as is possible.

I don't care how much you enhance the interface.  You've still broken

] Having connected to the correct server, locate the register node screen.
]    *     Operations view
]    *     Work with client nodes
]    *     Register a new node


When IBM decided to ditch the Windows Admin client, they didn't take action to
forbid anyone from using it ever again, immediately.  If we could erect the
"old" web admin client on some other port, with function identical to that
available in 5.2, and have that vestigial interface available until 5.4 (6?
whatever) then you'd have only the usual mumbling about "why'd they have to go
and change stuff".

As it is, you've made it impossible for us to maintain even a minimal support
continuity with our clients.  I think "Furious" is a good description for the
response this behavior engenders.

- Allen S. Rout

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