On Feb 2, 2005, at 5:09 AM, Yiannakis Vakis wrote:

I'm on TSM server v.5.2 Win2000, TSM TDP for SQL client v.5.2 Win2000
I've done TDPSQL restores in the past successfully, but now I've got a
strange problem.
There are two sessions between server and client. One is on SendW, the
on MediaW. There is only one mount and I've got three empty drives.
One of
the tape paths has a problem and is taken offline.
I wonder why the mount is not done on the other empty drives.
Any suggestions ?

Pursue the details of the situation. You report "MediaW" - but you need to pursue that in detail to see whether it is waiting on a tape or a drive. Might it be the case that the drive with the problem has the needed tape stuck in it, for example? In issuing a 'Query SEssion' command, be sure to use Format=Detail to get the whole story. You can also issue 'SHow LIBRary' to get more physical info about the state of library and drives, if necessary. Sometimes it is necessary to visually inspect drives to see what's going on.

Richard Sims

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