   as a last resort, You could try

        /usr/bin/truss -o /tmp/truss.dsmc dsmc

to see the "hanging" point after a Ctrl+c in truss'es o/p

Hope this helps.

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Jurjen Oskam wrote:

> Hi there,
> On an AIX 5.2 ML 4 64bit system we use KRB5A authentication to
> authenticate some local users against Active Directory using
> Kerberos. This works fine.
> There is a problem with dsmc though. When run as root (who is
> locally authenticated) the client works fine, but when run as
> any other user (even a user who isn't authenticated using KRB5A),
> it hangs. As soon as I put:
> KRB5A:
>         program = /usr/lib/security/KRB5A
>         options = authonly
> KRB5Afiles:
>         options = db=BUILTIN,auth=KRB5A
> ... in /usr/lib/security/methods.cfg, the client hangs when run
> as any local user. The instant I remove those lines, the client
> will run as any user. The client hangs after the message:
> "Selective Backup function invoked." (this was when executing a
> selective backup, but the problem occurs on every type of backup
> or archive) When the client is hanging, Q SESS on the server shows:
> tsm: SERVER1>q sess
>   Sess   Comm.    Sess       Wait     Bytes     Bytes   Sess    Platform 
> Client Name
> Number   Method   State      Time      Sent     Recvd   Type
> ------   ------   ------   ------   -------   -------   -----   -------- 
> --------------------
> 15,277   Tcp/Ip   IdleW      2 S      6.3 K       458   Node    AIX       
> 15,278   Tcp/Ip   IdleW      2 S         63         4   Node
> I have opened a PMR about this, but I wondered if somebody here
> encountered this problem and might have a workaround. The client
> version is
> --
> Jurjen Oskam

MfG / Ciao         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Peter Dümpert                                   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rechenzentrum der Technischen Universität       Fax  : ++49/531/391-5549
D 38092 Braunschweig                            Tel  : ++49/531/391-5535

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