
The backups for the NW Cluster nodes have been working fine until 02/15/05.  Rebooting the Client Server "fixed" it the first time but on the next backup it failed again.  We could not reboot the client server last night so it failed again.  Has anyone come across this problem?  I've been to the Tivoli Support, searched the ADSM_List and went to the Novell site but while I found bits and pieces...there was nothing directly relating to the errors for these OS levels.  Below are the OS and TSM levels of the client and server, followed by the messages in the client dsmerror.log, dsmsched.log and Server Activity log.  I have changed all specific names for security reasons.  

ADSM Client Level V5, R2, L2.0
Platform  NetWare (Cluster)
Netware OS Level 5.70

Platform MVS/OS390 2.10
TSM Server V5, R1, L7.0

Error Log on client for last 2 attempted backups

02/15/2005 13:59:44 ANS1876E Unable to connect to target service.  NetWare SMS return code = 8000000B.
02/15/2005 13:59:44 ANS1876E Unable to connect to target service.  NetWare SMS return code = 8000000B.
02/15/2005 14:00:04 ANS1876E Unable to connect to target service.  NetWare SMS return code = 8000000B.
02/15/2005 14:00:04 ANS1876E Unable to connect to target service.  NetWare SMS return code = 8000000B.
02/15/2005 14:00:05 ANS1228E Sending of object '.[Root]' failed
02/15/2005 14:00:05 ANS1523E An error occurred while connecting to TSA/SMDR service.
02/15/2005 14:00:07 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'CLUSTER_DLY' failed.  Return code = 12.

02/17/2005 12:26:19 ANS1874E Login denied to NetWare Target Service Agent 'XXXX_TREE'.
02/17/2005 12:26:20 ANS1874E Login denied to NetWare Target Service Agent 'XXXX_TREE'.
02/17/2005 12:26:48 ANS1876E Unable to connect to target service.  NetWare SMS return code = 8000000B.
02/17/2005 12:26:49 ANS1876E Unable to connect to target service.  NetWare SMS return code = 8000000B.
02/17/2005 12:26:49 ANS1228E Sending of object '.[Root]' failed
02/17/2005 12:26:49 ANS1523E An error occurred while connecting to TSA/SMDR service.
02/17/2005 12:26:50 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'CLUSTER_DLY' failed.  Return code = 12.

Client Schedule Log

02/15/2005 20:00:30 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN
02/15/2005 20:00:30 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END
02/15/2005 20:00:30 Next operation scheduled:
02/15/2005 20:00:30 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/15/2005 20:00:30 Schedule Name:         CLUSTER_DLY
02/15/2005 20:00:30 Action:                Incremental
02/15/2005 20:00:30 Objects:              
02/15/2005 20:00:30 Options:               -verbose
02/15/2005 20:00:30 Server Window Start:   20:00:00 on 02/15/2005
02/15/2005 20:00:30 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/15/2005 20:00:30
Executing scheduled command now.
02/15/2005 20:00:30 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN CLUSTER_DLY 02/15/2005 20:00:00
02/15/2005 20:00:31 Incremental backup of volume 'NWNODE\SYS:'
02/15/2005 20:00:31 Incremental backup of volume 'NWNODE\NDS:'
02/15/2005 20:00:31 Please enter NetWare user for "XXXX_TREE": Please enter the password on "XXXX_TREE" for NetWare user ".xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx":ANS1874E Login denied to NetWare Target Service Agent 'XXXX_TREE'.

02/17/2005 12:26:20 ANS1898I ***** Processed    70,000 files *****
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Please enter NetWare user for "XXXX_TREE": Directory-->                   0 SYS:/  Changed
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Retry # 1  Directory-->                   0 SYS:/ [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Directory-->                   0 SYS:/ETC/TMP  Changed
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Retry # 2  Directory-->                   0 SYS:/ [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Retry # 1  Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Retry # 1  Directory-->                   0 SYS:/ETC/TMP [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Normal File-->                13 SYS:/ETC/GROUP [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM/TSA  Changed
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Retry # 2  Directory-->                   0 SYS:/ETC/TMP [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Retry # 1  Normal File-->                13 SYS:/ETC/GROUP [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Retry # 1  Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM/TSA [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM/VPREG  Changed
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Retry # 2  Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM/TSA [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Retry # 1  Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM/VPREG [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM/CSLIB/LOGS/ATLOGS [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Directory-->                   0 SYS:/SYSTEM/MKDE/LOG [Sent]      
02/17/2005 12:26:20 Successful incremental backup of 'SYS:'
02/17/2005 12:26:36 Please enter the password on "XXXX_TREE" for NetWare user ".tsmuser.xxxxxxxx.xxx":ANS1876E Unable to connect to target service.  NetWare SMS return code = 8000000B.
02/17/2005 12:26:49 ANS1228E Sending of object '.[Root]' failed
02/17/2005 12:26:50 ANS1523E An error occurred while connecting to TSA/SMDR service.
02/17/2005 12:26:50 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Session established with server
02/17/2005 12:26:50   Server Version 5, Release 1, Level 7.0
02/17/2005 12:26:50   Data compression forced off by the server
02/17/2005 12:26:50   Server date/time: 02/17/2005 12:26:51  Last access: 02/17/2005 12:26:50
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Total number of objects inspected:   70,076
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Total number of objects backed up:        8
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Total number of objects updated:          0
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Total number of objects rebound:          0
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Total number of objects deleted:          0
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Total number of objects expired:          0
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Total number of objects failed:           1
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Total number of bytes transferred:    11.66 KB
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Data transfer time:                    0.00 sec
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Network data transfer rate:            0.00 KB/sec
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Aggregate data transfer rate:          0.00 KB/sec
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Objects compressed by:                    0%
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Elapsed processing time:           40:26:22
02/17/2005 12:26:50 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
02/17/2005 12:26:50 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END CLUSTER_DLY 02/15/2005 20:00:00
02/17/2005 12:26:50 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'CLUSTER_DLY' failed.  Return code = 12.
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Sending results for scheduled event 'CLUSTER_DLY'.
02/17/2005 12:26:50 Session established with server XXXXXSERVER: MVS
02/17/2005 12:26:50   Server Version 5, Release 1, Level 7.0
02/17/2005 12:26:50   Data compression forced off by the server
02/17/2005 12:26:50   Server date/time: 02/17/2005 12:26:52  Last access: 02/17/2005 12:26:51

Server Activity Log

Activity Log
Date and Time       Message                                                                                      
02/15/2005 14:00:06 ANR0406I Session 4941 started for node NWNODE (NetWare) (BPX-Tcp/Ip 999.99.9.999(-99999)).    
02/15/2005 14:00:06 ANR0403I Session 4941 ended for node NWNODE (NetWare).                                      
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANR0406I Session 4942 started for node NWNODE (NetWare) (BPX-Tcp/Ip 999.99.9.999(99999)).    
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4952I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects inspected:   70,075          
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4954I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects backed up:       11          
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4958I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects updated:          0          
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4960I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects rebound:          0          
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4957I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects deleted:          0          
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4970I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects expired:          0          
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4959I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects failed:           1          
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4961I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of bytes transferred: 16.78 KB          
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4963I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Data transfer time:                    0.00 sec      
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4966I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Network data transfer rate:            0.00 KB/sec  
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4967I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Aggregate data transfer rate:          0.00 KB/sec  
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4968I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Objects compressed by:                    0%        
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANE4964I (Session: 4942, Node: NWNODE)  Elapsed processing time:            17:59:55        
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANR0406I Session 4943 started for node NWNODE (NetWare) (BPX-Tcp/Ip 999.99.9.999(99999)).    
02/15/2005 14:00:08 ANR0403I Session 4942 ended for node NWNODE (NetWare).                                      
02/15/2005 14:00:09 ANR2579E Schedule CLUSTER_DLY in domain XXX_XXX_001 for node NWNODE failed (return code 12).  
02/15/2005 14:00:09 ANR0403I Session 4943 ended for node NWNODE (NetWare).                                      
02/15/2005 14:00:10 ANR0406I Session 4944 started for node NWNODE (NetWare) (BPX-Tcp/Ip 999.99.9.999(99999)).    
02/15/2005 14:00:10 ANR0403I Session 4944 ended for node NWNODE (NetWare).                                      
Activity Log
Date and Time       Message                                                                                      
02/17/2005 12:26:51 ANR0406I Session 6253 started for node NWNODE (NetWare) (BPX-Tcp/Ip 999.99.9.999(-99999)).  
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4952I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects inspected:   70,076          
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4954I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects backed up:        8          
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4958I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects updated:          0          
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4960I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects rebound:          0          
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4957I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects deleted:          0          
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4970I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects expired:          0          
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4959I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of objects failed:           1          
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4961I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Total number of bytes transferred: 11.66 KB          
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4963I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Data transfer time:                    0.00 sec      
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4966I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Network data transfer rate:            0.00 KB/sec  
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4967I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Aggregate data transfer rate:          0.00 KB/sec  
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4968I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Objects compressed by:                    0%        
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANE4964I (Session: 6253, Node: NWNODE)  Elapsed processing time:            40:26:22        
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANR0403I Session 6253 ended for node NWNODE (NetWare).                                      
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANR0406I Session 6254 started for node NWNODE (NetWare) (BPX-Tcp/Ip 999.99.9.999(-99999)).  
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANR2579E Schedule CLUSTER_DLY in domain XXX_XX_001 for node NWNODE failed (return code 12).  
02/17/2005 12:26:52 ANR0403I Session 6254 ended for node NWNODE (NetWare).                                      
02/17/2005 12:26:53 ANR0406I Session 6255 started for node NWNODE (NetWare) (BPX-Tcp/Ip 999.99.9.999(-99999)).  
02/17/2005 12:26:53 ANR0403I Session 6255 ended for node NWNODE (NetWare).                                      

Any help would be appreciated ;~)


Madison Gas & Electric Co
Operations Analyst -Data Center Services
Information Management Systems

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