
I want to create backupsets with several nodes to as few volumes as
possible, the deviceclass in this case it LTO2.
Is that possible at all?

My task is to create one complete set of data on 50 nodes and a lot of the
nodes is just about a couple of gigs, and spoil them with one LTO2 volume
per node doesn't make sense.
Or is there another way to fulfil this task?
One of the requirements is that it should not be dependent of the TSM

Med vänlig hälsning
Best regards
Anders Ståhlbom

Anders Ståhlbom
Adress Box 43 59121 Motala
Tele:  +46 (0)141 48667
Mobile: +46 (0)736 888667
Fax:   +46 (0)141 213330

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