The following command returns those backups that were missed or failed:

select node_name,contact from nodes -
where node_name in (select node_name from events where -
(scheduled_start between '2005-01-31 15:39:26' and -
'2005-02-27 15:39:25') and -
LENGTH(domain_name) IS NOT NULL and -
(status='Failed' OR status='Missed'))

I have modified the sql select statement for the last week and nothing is
select node_name,contact from nodes -
where node_name in  -
(select node_name from events where -
(scheduled_start>=current_timestamp - 7 days) and -
LENGTH(domain_name) IS NOT NULL and -
(status='Failed' OR status='Missed'))


select node_name,contact from nodes -
where node_name in -
(select node_name from events where -
(substr(cast(scheduled_start as char(26)),1,19) between '2005-01-31
15:39:26' and -
substr(cast(current_timestamp as char(26)),1,19) and -
LENGTH(domain_name) IS NOT NULL and -
(status='Failed' OR status='Missed')))

Any ideas on why the 2nd/3rd sql statement does not return anything?


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