==> On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 15:21:42 -0500, Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> In a library with a Library Manager, such as the 3494, TSM does not mount > the tape - the library does, per TSM simply asking the library to mount > volume 001234. I'm going to have to dispute this. I just tested on my 3494, and if my library manager doesn't see the volume in its' Q LIBVOL, it doesn't acknowledge the existence of the tape. I did the following: 1) Restored a file from a client (and therefore determined which tape it was on) 2) CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME remove=no 3) Confirmed volume in scratch category 4) Attempted restore. Library manager says "CHECKIN LIBVOLUME required within 60 minutes." 5) Canceled restore, checked in, checked out again. 6) used mtlib to assign the volume to the correct 'private' category. (this would be analogous to the failed DR scenario) 7) Attempted restore. 8) Attempted restore. Library manager says "CHECKIN LIBVOLUME required within 60 minutes." ... Cleaned up. You may be confusing the "library manager"-ness of a 3494 with the "library manager"-ness of a TSM server. My configuration has a 3494 attached to a library-manager TSM instance (which I call 'CTRL', for controller), and then other TSM instances request mounts from the CTRL instance. When I Q libvol from CTRL, the volumes show up. When I Q libvol from a library client, it's empty. - Allen S. Rout