Hi Kevin.

I am currently using one GigE adapter on my TSM server, and I have so
much traffic coming into it during the night that I need to add another.
The new adatper will have a different IP, but will be on the same subnet
as the first one.  I am not sure of the right / best way to configure

If you're maxing out your GigE connection, adding another line to it may just push the bottleneck upstream to the switch -- you'll want to work with your network folks to determine the best place to lay new pipes.

It's my understanding that provided this second adapter has its own IP
address, that I can specify that address in the dsm.opt file on certain
clients that I want to come in over that adapter.  Correct?

You've got the right idea. Again, depending on your traffic patterns (lots of small clients vs. a few huge clients) it might make sense to associate more IP addresses with the host name on your DNS server, and have DNS provide load balancing (by passing out IPs for the same hostname in a round-robin fashion). This is especially useful if it's the GigE that's the bottleneck to the switch. This is a good general-purpose fix, but to truly optimize your connectivity, you have to dig into your usage patterns to develop the best solution. You'll want to remove the bottleneck, not just push it upstream. =)

From an AIX standpoint, do I set the default gateway for the new adapter
to be the same as the other one?  Or do I make the first adapter the
default gateway for the second one?

Depends on how you set up subnets. To specifically answer your second question, NO. =) - If you add the second IP to the *same* subnet, then they have the same gateway (possibly a bottleneck). - If you add the second IP to a *different* subnet, it may or may not (but it SHOULD, really) have a different gateway associated with it.


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