This is for a client Oracle TDP on Solaris 8 with TSM Server W2K,  v

Simple question, is warning message "ANR0425W password has expired" anything
to worry about? Because I can't seem to make it go away and it doesn't seem
to be stopping the backups?
The help file shows, "System Action: Server operation continues."
I have tried update node, changed password exp on server to 9999 and 0,
removing password file on client side. The TDP documentation stays that the
password must be set to generate, which it is.
This is from my logs:
ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: SET PASSEXP 0 node=mynode_ora
ANR2199I Password expiration period for node MYNODE_ORA set to 0 days.
ANR0406I Session 6297 started for node MYNODE_ORA (SUN SOLARIS) (Tcp/Ip (-00000)).
ANR0425W Session 6297 for node MYNODE_ORA (SUN SOLARIS) refused - password
has expired.
ANR0406I Session 6300 started for node MYNODE_ORA (TDP Oracle SUN) (Tcp/Ip
ANR0403I Session 6358 ended for node MYNODE_ORA (TDP Oracle SUN).
ANR0403I Session 6357 ended for node MYNODE_ORA (TDP Oracle SUN).
ANR2507I Schedule NOW_DB for domain DATA_DOMAIN started at 03/30/2005
08:53:57 for node MYNODE_ORA completed successfully at 03/30/2005 09:57:03.
ANR0403I Session 6297 ended for node MYNODE_ORA (SUN SOLARIS).
ANR0406I Session 6359 started for node MYNODE_ORA (SUN SOLARIS) (Tcp/Ip
ANR0425W Session 6359 for node MYNODE_ORA (SUN SOLARIS) refused - password
has expired.
ANR0403I Session 6359 ended for node MYNODE_ORA (SUN SOLARIS).

Mark Bertrand

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