I just rechecked things with the comments from the list. It seems the
current access level of the tape didn't have any bearing on the
Right now I have a q mo showing one tape as R/W and the other as R/O.
The q vol f=d is telling me that both tapes are Read/Write. 

tsm: BACKUP1>q pr

 Process     Process Description      Status
--------     --------------------
     616     Space Reclamation        Offsite Volume(s) (storage pool
                                       Moved Files: 5868, Moved Bytes:
                                       Unreadable Files: 543, Unreadable
Bytes: 0.
                                       Current Physical File (bytes):
                                       Current input volume: 000003L2.
Current output
                                       volume: 000093L2.

tsm: BACKUP1>q mo
ANR8330I LTO volume 000003L2 is mounted R/O in drive DRV4 (mt0.5.0.5),
status: IN USE.
ANR8330I LTO volume 000093L2 is mounted R/W in drive DRV2 (mt0.3.0.5),
status: IN USE.
ANR8334I         2 matches found.

tsm: BACKUP1>q vol 000003l2 f=d

                   Volume Name: 000003L2
             Storage Pool Name: NEWTAPEPOOL
             Device Class Name: LTO2
       Estimated Capacity (MB): 431,430.2
       Scaled Capacity Applied:
                      Pct Util: 93.8
                 Volume Status: Full
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 6.6
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 18
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 03/29/2005 17:13:29
        Approx. Date Last Read: 04/01/2005 12:36:43
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
Last Update by (administrator):
         Last Update Date/Time: 03/28/2005 21:27:17

tsm: BACKUP1>q vol 000093l2 f=d

                   Volume Name: 000093L2
             Storage Pool Name: NEWCOPYPOOL
             Device Class Name: LTO2
       Estimated Capacity (MB): 204,800.0
       Scaled Capacity Applied:
                      Pct Util: 10.3
                 Volume Status: Filling
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 1
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 04/01/2005 12:47:32
        Approx. Date Last Read: 04/01/2005 12:02:48
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
Last Update by (administrator):
         Last Update Date/Time: 04/01/2005 12:01:20

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