Hi *SM-ers,
  it's the first time for us, that we have a request to consider to
provide the TSM-service for the VERITAS
i.e. "Backup Exec as a TSM Client"

Just a few questions:
1.  is anyone out there using/providing this feature ?
2.  If so, how does it interfere with normal TSM-usage (server side) ?
3.  Is it supported by TSM 5.3+ ?
4.  How about the size of the "bexpi.dsm" file and for the "BACKUPPOOL"
    storage-pool ?
5.  The VERITAS-doc (Chapter 18, page 789) tells about
      "... to retain position information about each backup set
       that it sends to the TSM server's BACKUPPOOL storage pool".
    Is this "backup set" a usual TSM-backupset or anything else ?
6.  They talk of a "virtual single tape drive robotic library" (page 788).
    Does this imply that only 1 real drive can be used for
    migration/restore ?

Any further recommendations/comments "to promote / not to promote" this
option would be very appreciated.

MfG / Ciao         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Peter Dümpert                                   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rechenzentrum der Technischen Universität       Fax  : ++49/531/391-5549
D 38092 Braunschweig                            Tel  : ++49/531/391-5535

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