Hi all,

One of our employees switched to a PowerBook from his windows laptop.
He has a lot of documents (approx. 50GB) on that laptop that I want to restore 
to the new Mac. I installed the TSM client on both machines (5.2.3 on the 
windows XP (SP2) machine and 5.2.1 on the mac (OS X 10.3.9)).
I have added the mac machine to the "node access list" on the windows TSM 
client. It only has a C:drive and I defined the following permission: 

Set Access Backup \\lap021\c$\*\* LAP029

Where lap021 is the windows machine and LAP029 is the powerbook.
Now, if I try "access another node" from the Mac client it gives me the 
possibility to select the local filesystem of LAP021 but I cannot browse into 
the directories.
I also noticed that it asks me for a username when I try to access the windows 
machine from the mac. However, no matter which username I enter (even 
non-existent names), it still gives me (limited) access to LAP021. Also, it 
never asks me for a password for those usernames.

Where am I going wrong?
Anyone who has experience in this matter?

BTW: I could FTP the files from one machine to the other but then I'd lose all 
timestamps of the files.



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