On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 08:34:09AM +0100, Farren Minns wrote:
> Hi all
> At present we are using an IBM 3494 library with two 3590H1A drives. So far
> we are just using the standard 3590 tapes but are looking at adding some of
> the extended capacity volumes. Does anyone know if I need to do anything to
> the 3494 library for it to be able to check in extended capacity volumes or
> will it just take them in as normal.

The 3494 knows the difference, since the volumes are marked with a 'K' as
opposed to the 'J'.

> As far as I am aware the 3590 drives themselves will use the new volumes
> happily and just fit as much data as they can on them.

The extended tapes also have a different indent on the side/top that allows the
drives to know what type of tape you are using, such as a cleaning tape,
standard, or extended.

They all play very happily together.


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