My daily process flow is centered around the need to be able to restore in a DR 


1) clients backup data to TSM disk and tape primary storage pools
2) Backup stg for disk storage pools to copy pool tape
3) backu stg for tape storage pools to copy pool tape
(we backup from disk first and then from tape to minimize tape mounts)

At this point I have my DR restore point so I document it and get it offsite as 
soon as I can:

4) backup DB
5) move drm to move tapes offsite
6) move drm to update tapes coming onsite (so that dr plan doesn't document 
tapes that are no longer there
7) prepare plan to document the recovery point; it is tied to the backup db I 
just did and relfelcts the state of tapes that I am now sending off and 
retriving from offsite.
8) email drplan to offsite email addresses of tsm support team members
9) we do backup volhist and devconfig but they are not used for DR.  The DRPlan 
generated by the prepare command contain the backup copy of volhist and 
devconfig we use for DR.

Now that we have a DR restore point we can do other housekeeping chores;

9) expire inventory to cleanup db entries
10) migrate the primary disk storage volumes to primary tape volumes
11) reclaim processing to free up tapes for the scratch pool

Not on a daily basis, but when we make significant changes to the tsm server 
machine, we do a sysback backup of the tsm machine and send a copy to the 
offiste vault and additional copies to the homes of tsm team members.  This 
tape is the starting point of the DR.  If you can't restore or rebuild tsm you 
can't restore anything else.

David Ehresman

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/24/05 9:18 AM >>>
Oh Wise Ones,

What order do you run the following processes in each day?

Backup Storage Pools
Backup TSM Db
Backup Volhist
Migrate diskpools to tape
Move drmedia
Run Drm Prepare

I am asking because when we do our DR tests It always seems that I end
up having to restore to a point in time 1 day earlier than I think I
should. I am preparing to rework the daily schedule to try to avoid this
and wanted to know how everyone else does it.

Thanks in advance,

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