Troy Frank wrote:

On server1 you need to run this command (or a close variation of)...

dsmc set access backup * server2 *

This will give access to all of server1's backup data from server2.  I think 
the final * donotes what user is allowed to do the cross-server restore.  In 
this case it would be any user.

On server2, to initiate the restore would be similiar to this...

restore -fromnode=server1 -subdir=yes "server1/vol1:\*" "server2/vol1:\"

One note is that sometimes the destination needs quotes around it, sometimes it 
doesn't, depending on whether you run the command from the dsmc> prompt, or the 
novell command-line prompt.

Troy Frank
Network Services
University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/13/2005 9:40:02 AM >>>

Hi all,

I know this has been discussed before and I have searched
the archives but cannot locate anything conclusive.

I am going to do a restore for a novell client who wants
to a backup from Server1\xxx\xxx the morning of june 9
restore to server2 \xxx\xxx

Can this be done from the TSM Administrative  GUI?
I believe I would change some things in server 1 DSM.opt

Any help would be appreciated

TSM version
TSM client 5.2.2

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I don't  have access the clients command line I would like to
do this from this GUI.  Can this work somehow ?

Thanks again

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