Yet another thing to remember is that sometimes the MFT can get fragmented.  
Disk Keeper has a feature that will defragement it as well as the file system.  
I believe you can choose to just defrag the MFT if you want.

Some of my customers have said that they saw noticeable improvement in the 
backups on their large file servers after running a Defrag of the MFT with disk 

I replied to the list about using windows mount points. A reply was sent back 
about it being the opposit of what they wanted. Well I had this thought.

If you have an imaging system (or any other application) that can only use one 
drive letter why not use mount points for that drive. Have a server with 10 
drives with 100 GB each (D: - M:) Then use mount points to get all 1 TB of 
space behind the D:\. The application will then use the D:\ alone. Mean while 
you can run the backup on all 10 drives.

For details on how to set this up you need to consult the Microsoft doc. There 
is plenty on MS's website.

Of course if the system is already setup then you'd need to add the drives and 
mount points. Then move the folders under those mount points.

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