If people notice what is being referred to as "tsm going to sleep" you
might want to check your internal TSM lock count.
The debug command "show locks" will list out all the internal locks,
generally this will be less than 25 even on the most busy system.
I've noticed that during exports I've seen as many as 2.5 MILLION.
Oh, so don't just scroll these across your screen... try something like (if
you are on an aix system)
dsmadmc)    show locks > mylocks.out
aix)              wc -l   mylocks.out
each lock ties up 2 lines of output so take your line count and divide by 2
to get a rough internal lock count.

Dwight E. Cook
Systems Management Integration Professional, Advanced
Integrated Storage Management
TSM Administration
(918) 835-3106 (local Tulsa OK)
(877) 625-4186
T/L 349-4361

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