Agreed, TSM is talking to the library. But the full libvol's are not
checked into it:

tsm: ITG-TSM>q libv
ANR2034E QUERY LIBVOLUME: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: ITG-TSM>q vol
Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct Volume
                          Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util Status
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -------------
E:\ITG-BACKUP-SPOOL-NEW   ITG-BACKUP-  DISK        550,000.0   96.1 On-Line
G:\ITGDISKSPOOL.DSM       ITG-BACKUP-  DISK        200,000.0    0.0 On-Line
H:\ITGMAILSPOOL.DSM       ITG-MAIL-S-  DISK        200,000.0   20.7 On-Line
ITG002L2                  LTO2POOL     LTOCLASS1   272,663.2   37.7 Full
ITG004L2                  LTO2POOL     LTOCLASS1   235,948.8   50.9 Full
ITG005L2                  LTO2POOL     LTOCLASS1   217,624.5   57.9 Full

So I gather I need to checkin the libvol's into the "new" library, right?
But I worried about that, because I've only ever used checkin libvol to
add scratch tapes, and these tapes are NOT scratch. Can you verify that I
have the checkin command right:

checkin libvol lb6.0.0.5 search=yes status=scratch checklabel=yes

I'm only worried about the command because of the status=scratch. I can't
have any of my volumes with data on them marked as scratch or else I'm
hosed. Do I have the command right?

Thanks Bill, I do appreciate it,


On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, William Boyer wrote:

If it wasn't "talking" to the library, then you would get errors. And audit 
compare TSM's LIBV inventory with the library inventory.
If the library inventory is up to date, then the library does not need to 
rescan the slots, but just returns the inventory to TSM.
Plus you would not be able to define the drives with the ELEMENT= if the library wasn't 
"talking" correctly. The ELEMENT= number is
verified with the library. To see what elements and such you can issue the SHOW 
SLOTS LB6.0.0.5 command. Another useful command is

Have you tried to mount a tape and write to it? Or maybe even just a checkin?

Bill Boyer
"Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield" - ??

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexander 
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: tsm tape path problems

William, et all,

Thanks for your great responses, I think I'm closer to getting it working, but 
I still need a little more help.

I understand what you are saying about updating the paths, but the problem is I 
already removed the old paths and devices
(xxx.0.0.3), and created the new devices and paths (xxx.0.0.5). So I think 
doing an update path is out of the question. I'm stuck
trying to associate the new devices with the old server, which should be 
possible right?

So, I've removed all devices and paths, rebooted, then added all devices and 
paths (for the xxx.0.0.5 devices), rebooted again, and
now TSM seems to think the devies and paths are correct:

tsm: ITG-TSM>q library
      Library Name: LB6.0.0.5
      Library Type: SCSI
            ACS Id:
  Private Category:
  Scratch Category:
  External Manager:
    RSM Media Type:
            Shared: No

tsm: ITG-TSM>q drive
Library Name     Drive Name       Device Type     On-Line
------------     ------------     -----------     -------------------
LB6.0.0.5        MT1.0.0.5        LTO             Yes
LB6.0.0.5        MT2.0.0.5        LTO             Yes

tsm: ITG-TSM>q path
Source Name     Source Type     Destination     Destination     On-Line
                                Name            Type
-----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -------
ITG-TSM         SERVER          LB6.0.0.5       LIBRARY         Yes
ITG-TSM         SERVER          MT1.0.0.5       DRIVE           Yes
ITG-TSM         SERVER          MT2.0.0.5       DRIVE           Yes

But something is still not right, because when I run an audit of the "new"
library, the process completes, but it does nothing to the library, the library 
doesn't move in inch, it is not talking to the
library correctly:

ANR2017I Administrator DUDE issued command: AUDIT LIBRARY lb6.0.0.5 
checklabel=yes ANR0984I Process 5 for AUDIT LIBRARY started in
the BACKGROUND at 09:41:03.
ANR8457I AUDIT LIBRARY: Operation for library LB6.0.0.5 started as process 5.
ANR8461I AUDIT LIBRARY process for library LB6.0.0.5 completed successfully.
ANR0985I Process 5 for AUDIT LIBRARY running in the BACKGROUND completed with 
completion state SUCCESS at 09:41:03.

I'm wondering if my device class is not correct in some way?:

tsm: ITG-TSM>q dev

Device       Device        Storage    Device       Format     Est/MaxMount
Class        Access           Pool    Type                   CapacityLimit
Name         Strategy        Count                               (MB)
---------    ----------    -------    ---------    ------    --------------
DISK         Random              3
LTOCLASS1    Sequential          1    LTO          DRIVE            DRIVES

Any other ideas?



On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, William Boyer wrote:

One thing I have found with Windows is after any type of hardware
change, whether it is a replacement or just firmware updates, Windows
seems to not recognize it as the same device, and creates new ones for
this same (upgraded) hardware. If you just give the TSM server a few minutes to 
time out on trying to initialize the library, then
you can update the library path to the new device= and then update the drive 
paths to the new device=.

I've started stopping TSM, removing the library/drives from Device
manager in Windows, doing the upgrade/replace and rebooting. I've found that 
Windows assigns the same devices. Then I just restart
TSM and verify that all is well.

I don't know if persistent mappings with the fibre adapter (if you are running 
fibre drives) would resolve this issue...

Bill Boyer
"Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield" - ??

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Alexander Lazarevich
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 11:21 PM
Subject: tsm tape path problems

TSM on win2K server. Overland Neo 4100 with 2 LTO-2 drives.

I've got a bad problem, and I'm stuck trying to read the manual for
clues but I'm having trouble finding what I need to know and I could really use 
a point in the right direction.

TSM has been running just fine since I set it up more than two years ago.
I used the TSM wizard to set everything up, and it was quite easy.
Last week we had an LTO-2 drive failure, some bad cables, and an intermittent 
library controller card. All those hardware issues
have been fixed.

But somewhere in the mess of fixing all the hardware issues, the TSM
/windows drivers for the devices got confused, and TSM is now
recognizing the library and the drives as different device names.
Whereas TSM used to call the devices: lb6.0.0.3 (library),
mt1.0.0.3 (drive 1), and mt2.0.0.3 (drive 2); TSM is now calling those devices 
lb6.0.0.5, mt1.0.0.5, and mt2.0.0.5.

I've tried everything I know of to fix the path between the server and the 
"old" devices (lb6.0.0.3), but nothing I tried worked.
So, I then set out to try and define new path's for the "new" devices 
(lb6.0.0.5). I've done the following:

- Define the new library and drives, giving them the proper names
  and element ID's.
- Update the server's LTO Device Class, giving it the new library name
- Add the new path's for the drives and the library:
tsm: ITG-TSM>q path

Source Name     Source Type     Destination     Destination     On-Line
                                Name            Type
-----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -------
ITG-TSM         SERVER          LB6.0.0.5       LIBRARY         Yes
ITG-TSM         SERVER          MT1.0.0.5       DRIVE           Yes
ITG-TSM         SERVER          MT2.0.0.5       DRIVE           Yes

But then I try to run an audit of the new library, and I get nothing:

ANR2017I Administrator ALAZAREV issued command: AUDIT LIBRARY
lb6.0.0.5 ANR0984I Process 5 for AUDIT LIBRARY started in the BACKGROUND at 
ANR8457I AUDIT LIBRARY: Operation for library LB6.0.0.5 started as process 5.
ANR8461I AUDIT LIBRARY process for library LB6.0.0.5 completed successfully.
ANR0985I Process 5 for AUDIT LIBRARY running in the BACKGROUND completed with 
completion state SUCCESS at 21:42:02.

The audit did nothing, as it starts and completes within a second. The library 
didn't move an inch.

Obviously, I'm not setting up the paths properly, or the devices
classes, or something. What I find odd is that when I run the Device
Configuration Wizard, TSM does not find any devices. That is different from 
when I first installed TSM, when it found all devices
automatically for me.

I'm going to read Chapter 4 of the admin guide tonight when I go home,
but I've already looked at it, and I can't find the information I need
described in a clear manner. Any help anyone could provide, even just pointing 
me to some good documentation, I would appreciate

Sorry to be a pest, but I'm in trouble, as our backups are down and I need a 
little help getting it back up.

Thanks in advance,


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