Hello all,

Has anyone implemented Instant Archive/Backup sets?

Do you use reuse the same tapes for weekly/monthly?

We would like to start using instant archive (backup set) for
the following scenario.

I have a client (novell) who wants to retain backups of a volume
actually (3 of them) as follows

weekly for a month
monthly for a year
yearly for two years

the last weekly of the month can be retained for the monthly
the last archival backup of the year can be retained for the yearly

Weekly backups on Saturday, retained for one month (except) as below)

The last weekly of the month will be retained for one year, and the

last weekly of the year will be retained for two years.

Thanks for any advice/help in advance!

RS/6000 Aix 5.2
Netware TSM clients 5.2.2

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