Hi to all
I tried to make a server to server migration here the steps I made:
      On source Server named SERVER1
  1. I define a server SERVER2 (target server)
  2. I define a devclass SERVERCLASS with device type SERVER and servername 
  3. I create a stg SERVER1_POOL with devclass SERVERCLASS
      On target Server named SERVER2
1.  I define a server SERVER1 (source server) with nodename POSTBACK
2.  I create a nodename of type SERVER named POSTBACK
3.  I add this nodename to the STANDARD policy with a copypool destination 
named I2000_SERVER1 (tape storagepool)
4.  Activate the STANDARD policy
I update my primary stg on SERVER1 (source server) named primarypool  with next 
The migration start I see both on the source and target server activity on the 
actlog but I got always this error message:
08/10/2005 20:05:23  ANR0520W Transaction failed for session 23881 for node
                      POSTBACK (Windows) - storage pool DISKPOOL is not
                      defined. (SESSION: 23881)
Why trying to store on DISKPOOL storage ???? I doubled check my STANDARD policy 
and my copygroup is I2000_SERVER1 (I activate several times the STANDARD policy 
and check the active policy to see that I2000_SERVER1 is correct in did !!!!
My TSM version on the source server is Windows      O.S
My TSM version on the target server  is AIX-RS/6000  O.S
Any suggestion ?????
Robert Ouzen

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