We use 3590's and LTO, with copies onsite and offsite.
So I don't worry about the reliability of the tape so much as I worry
about damage due to bad handling.
And I get nervous about the microcode of old tapes being too different
from new tapes/drives - which is probably an unnecessary worry, but I'm
paranoid that way.

So I have a perl script that runs over the weekend and looks for any
tapes that are over 2 years old.
Any that it finds, it issues a MOVE DATA   xxxxx reconstruct=yes.  

That means all my tapes, onsite and offsite, are less than 2 years old;
no tape has been offsite more than 2 years.

It's an automated, low-overhead way of making sure the tapes turnover.
That was the best plan I could come up with. 


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Jon Evans
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 12:19 PM
Subject: Archive Verification


Do any of you recall your archive tapes from offsite and verify that the
data contained on them can be restored?.. If so how often and what tests
do you run to verify that data?

Many thanks


Enterprise Storage Admin

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