Actually I'm sure it doesn't apply - you will get this message if the
volume is not available.  So that is probably your problem as the other
posters have pointed out.  Ensure you are specifying the full path.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rushforth, Tim 
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:26 AM
To: 'ADSM: Dist Stor Manager'
Subject: RE: server rec log problem - multiple servers?

This probably doesn't apply to you but sometimes when we just restart
the TSM Server Service on Windows we get messages that volumes are in
use by another server.  Rebooting solves the problem.

If you have not rebooted, I would give that a try.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Alexander Lazarevich
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: server rec log problem - multiple servers?

13GB maximum? Really? Why?

Anyway, same error as before, thanks for the tip though.


On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Prather, Wanda wrote:

> Not sure whether this relates to the problem, but you need to recreate
> that file anyway:
> Your reclog size is already 12GB (12000 mB).
> The size of your formatted extra space is 8GB (8000 mb).
> Max log size is 13GB.
> Try creating a log extension that is only 800MB.
> See if you get a different error.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Alexander Lazarevich
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:54 AM
> Subject: server rec log problem - multiple servers?
> TSM server on win2K server. I've got a very confusing problem,
> and our server is totally dead at the moment so I'm in a bit of an
> emergency.
> We've been running TSM for 2-3 years, I recently (8 months
> upgraded to, no problems. Last night, we ran out a tapes, and
> therefor the automatic backup of the database couldn't happen, and
> therefor the rec log filled up to maximum, and the server died and
> cannot
> restart until I increase the size of the log. Easy enough, I've had to
> do this before, but the standard commands are not working:
> dsmftm -log D:\tsmdata\server1\extrareclogspace 8000
> that works fine, create/formats the new volume, but then:
> dsmserv extend log extrareclogspace 8000, dies with:
> C:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\server1>dsmserv extend log
> 8000
> ANR0900I Processing options file c:\program
> files\tivoli\tsm\server1\dsmserv.opt
> ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 10:06:54 on Mar 18 2004.
> Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows
> Version 5, Release 1, Level 9.0
> Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
> 5698-ISE (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999,2002. All rights reserved.
> U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
> restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.
> ANR0200I Recovery log assigned capacity is 12000 megabytes.
> ANR0201I Database assigned capacity is 32000 megabytes.
> ANR0306I Recovery log volume mount in progress.
> ANR9969E Unable to open volume C:\PROGRAM
> The most likely reason is that another TSM server is running and has
> volume allocated.
> ANR9999D admstart.c(3483): ThreadId<23> Error 31 from lvmAddVol.
> ANR7835I The server thread 1 (tid 1448) terminated in response to
> shutdown.
> ANR7835I The server thread 22 (tid 1548) terminated in response to
> server
> shutdown.
> ANR7835I The server thread 23 (tid 1096) terminated in response to
> server
> shutdown.
> ANR0991I Server shutdown complete.
> The problem is, we don't run two servers. We've got one server, that's
> all
> we've ever had, that's all we want. And this brings me back to
> I've noticed since I first installed the server, which I thought was
> normal:
> In C:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\ there are two server folders. a
> and a "server1". In the "server" folder that's where most of the
> executables live, like dsmserv.exe and dsmsvc.exe. In "server1" folder
> there are .opt .log and .bat files, among others. But definately, it
> seems
> that the guts of the server live in "server" folder.
> However, the TSM management console window lists "TSM Server1" as the
> real
> server, it doesn't even see "Server". Whenever I have to deal with the
> MMC window, which I try to avoid at all costs, it only ever lists
> Server1, never just Server. As far as I remember, Server and Server1
> have always both existed from when I first setup TSM and it
> seemed
> wierd to me, but everything worked, so I thought Server1 and Server
> somehow intertwinned, but they were basically the same server. Maybe
> that
> is wrong, and only now is the problem showing itself.
> Anyone have an idea? Again, we are down 100% until I can increase the
> reclog size.
> Thanks in advance,
> Alex

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