Hi all,

I wanted to get the opinion of some people who have been backing up DB2
UDB to TSM in the form of a 2 part question.

We recently (as of two days ago) had a DBA "accidentally" run "db2adutl
delete full db DB older than 2 weeks". This basically wiped out our
entire monthly backups for the past year. Before it was caught, expire
inventory had already run on the TSM side as well as space reclamation.
This also deleted the copies on our offsite pools as well.

We've contacted IBM support about what we can do in the future but I'm
getting canned answers about management classes and immediate
expirations and I think I'm missing something.

Question 1:

If a dba deletes a backup using the db2 tsm api, we're told it's
unrecoverable at least in version 8 of DB2 (which we're running). I know
that once inventory expiration has processed, we are indeed screwed. Is
there a way to recover from the above scenario BEFORE inventory
expiration processes?

Question 2:

Is there a way that we can make copies of the DB2 database backups that
will bypass the db2adutl command? I could generate a backup set but
obviously these backups exist outside of the filesystem on the client side.

If I'm not clear on something, please let me know. I can post the
management class I have configured for the DB2 clients if it will help.
I went according to the IBM recommendations.


TSM 5.2.2 on RHEL3
DB2ESE 8.1fp4 on RHEL2.1
TSM api on the client side is same as the server.

John E. Vincent

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