We've been running for months on  Over the years, we've found that
users are in no hurry to upgrade clients when we upgrade server levels as
long as there is downward compatability.  However, last Saturday one (of
four) servers refused connection to a SOLARIS 4.1.0 client and the user
installed the upgrade on Tuesday.  Last night there was a similar
occurence, with these messages:

 ANR9999D smutil.c(13215): ThreadId<53> Session 133703
  (HOTROD, 272, SUN SOLARIS, attempted to
  associate itself with nodeid 117 - aborting session
  (SESSION: 133703)
 ANR9999D ThreadId<53> issued message 9999 from:
  <-0x1001B8F0 outDiagf <-0x100E0A34
  SmAddSessionToAffinityCluster <-0x10434458 SmNodeSession
  <-0x10510224 SmSchedSession <-0x104B6548
  HandleNodeSession <-0x104BC8C4 smExecuteSession
  <-0x10556C94 SessionThread <-0x1000E978 StartThread
  <-0xD0051430 _pthread_body  (SESSION: 133703)

The machine belongs to a department with a dozen identical machines, and
they're asking which one is next, if any, and do they have to spend the day
upgrading TSM instead of their usual thing, and is this a new feature, or
is it a bug.

Fred Johanson
ITSM Administrator
University of Chicago

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