The documentation for installing the TSM client on Sun Solaris says that
Mozilla 1.4 or higher is required. (See "Solaris Client Environment" in
Chapter 1, "Installing Tivoli Storage Manager". Page 10 of "TSM 5 3 UNIX
baclient install.pdf" lists "Software Requirements": "A Mozilla 1.4 or
higher browser".) When I got the Mozilla installation and unzipped and
untarred it, the README gave instructions for installing on everything
BUT Solaris -- Mac, Windows, and Linux, but no Solaris. I opened a bug
in Bugzilla, but no one had touched it after a week. I rummaged through
the web pages on Sun and they were no help, either. I called IBM, and
they did call back, and they suggested using Netscape instead of Mozilla
(they said it only needed to be a Java-enabled browser, not necessarily
Mozilla); they also admitted that the browser is only necessary for
users who aren't comfortable with a command-line interface. So I'm
considering dispensing with this browser rigamarole altogether. Still,
though, they're sometimes easier than rummaging through the
documentation to find the right command, so if it's not too hairy, I'd
like to go ahead with Mozilla (Netscape is a distant second choice;
third choice is go without a browser).

I'm running Solaris 9 on the Sparc architecture. "uname -a":
SunOS [] 5.9 Generic_117171-15 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-250

My question is: where can I find instructions for installing Mozilla?

This is my ONLY Sun machine, and it's my production server for workforce
management (and, yes, I've pleaded for a spare, so don't suggest that
I'M taking a risk; the fault is not mine). So WHATEVER I DO MUST BE LOW

-- Marc Robinson

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