I have a conundrum similiar to a recent posting.  We have ~ 140 servers getting 
backed up.  Management wants to take an archive of every backed up server 
bi-monthly (our normal backup retention is 60 versions/60 days).  These would 
get kept for 1 year.  At year-end, every system would take an archive that gets 
kept 7 years.  Since there are going to be 2 retention requirements, I created 
2 management classes to match up.
Currently I manage all our backups through server-side client option sets.  
Ideally, I would like the archive jobs to use those same option sets to 
determine what should get archived.  From what I've been able to find, that's 
not possible.  Which leaves 2 choices, both ugly.
1.  Create 2 archive schedules for every server, so I can put custom info in 
the "Objects" field. (1 schedule for each retention possibility)
2.  Create 2 archive schedules for each "type" of server (novell,MS,ect), and 
specify common objects to get backed up.
      i.e. vol1:\* for netware, and something like c:\* for windows.
#1 is very ugly for obvious reasons.  #2 wouldn't even really work, since not 
all servers need the same things archived.  Some windows servers have a D:\ 
that would need archiving, while on most servers, D:\ would be the cdrom drive. 
Like I said, the most thrilling answer would be to find out there is a way to 
make archives use the Client Option Sets.  Otherwise, is there an option #3 or 
4 that I've missed here?  The netware client documentation implies that there's 
an include.archive option that can be used in Option Sets, but it doesn't 
explain how.  When I've tried testing it, it doesn't seem to work.
Troy Frank
Network Services
University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation

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