Thanks again Andrew,

I appreciate your response!

Andrew Raibeck wrote:

> At a minimum, your main concern should be that your TSM client software
> level is supported with your TSM server level. In order to ease migration
> to new levels, client and software are supported one release up or down.
> By "release", I refer to the first two parts of the version number, e.g.,
> 5.3 (Version 5, Release 3).
> Thus the 5.2 client is supported with a 5.1 and 5.3 server, and a 5.2
> server can support a 5.1 or 5.3 client. Other examples: 4.2 server
> supported 4.1 and 5.1 clients; 4.2 client was supported with 4.1 and 5.1
> server.
> The idea is that when you move from a 5.2 to 5.3 server (for example),
> your 5.2 clients will still work with the new 5.3 server until you can get
> the clients upgraded. Or if you use the 5.2 server and choose to upgrade
> your clients first, you can upgrade the clients to 5.3 and they will still
> be supported with a 5.2 server until you can get the server upgraded.
> While it is likely that a 4.2 (for example) client will function at least
> minimally with a 5.2 server, technically it is not supported, so you use
> at your own risk. But lots of people continue to use very backleveled
> clients, usually because those clients are no longer supported by IBM, but
> the user still has them in their environment.
> Caveat: 4.1 and 4.2 are no longer in service. Service for 5.1 ends today
> (end of September), except for S/390, which I think is in service through
> the first week of April, 2006.
> Your service agreement for TSM client and server is based on your TSM
> server version. The clients are considered a part of the server version
> that corresponds to the server that you are running. So if you are
> licensed for the TSM 5.1 server on AIX, then when that server goes
> end-of-service, so do your clients. If you are licensed for the 5.1 AIX
> server, but you are using 5.2 clients on some machines, you will no longer
> be able to get technical support from IBM for those clients once your
> server version (at 5.1) goes end of service.
> With regard to the "one level back" support, you will no longer be able to
> get support for the back-leveled component once that component goes
> end-of-service, even if your server version is still in service. Thus if
> you are licensed for the TSM 5.2 server for Windows, you will not be able
> to receive support for your 5.1 clients.
> I realize that a lot of this seems pretty complicated, but conceptually
> it's fairly simple. The upshot is that IBM supports a one-release
> difference between client and server as long as your server and client
> versions have not yet reached end-of-service. And *your* support from IBM
> is based on the version of the TSM *server* you are running.
> Note that there are some exceptions to the above rules. For example, the
> TSM 5.2 server shipped support for Windows NT 4.0 clients at the 5.1
> client level. Since this client was shipped with the 5.2 server, IBM will
> continue to support this client (but not other 5.1 clients) until TSM 5.2
> goes out of service. Only 5.2 server licensees will receive support.
> Support for NT 4.0 clients will end when 5.2 goes out of service, though
> that date has not yet been announced as far as I know.
> So having said all of that, you are still encouraged, in general, to get
> your client and server versions as up to date as possible, with the client
> at the same release as the server. For example, the 5.2 client with 5.3
> server is supported primarily for migration purposes; you should be moving
> forward with a plan to migrate your clients to the same server version. In
> general, I'd advise upgrading your server first, then your clients. Beyond
> that, your need to upgrade should be based on the impact of defects that
> are fixed in later client fix packs (5.2.2, 5.2.3, etc.) and interim fixes
> (,, etc.).
> In your case, since your NetWare clients are at 5.2 and your server is at
> 5.3, I'd recommend getting the most current 5.3 NetWare client. But you do
> not need to try to match your client version to the server based on the
> third and fourth parts of the version. That is, matching the "5.3" part is
> sufficient. You don't need to worry about matching beyond that.
> As for client and server requirements, see the URL in my sig, and from
> that page (which I recommend bookmarking), and look for the "server
> requirements" and "client requirements" links.
> I hope this makes some sense... for the most part, it's really not as
> complicated as the write-up would make you think. I just provided a bunch
> of detail that is applicable for any TSM releases, so next time someone
> asks, I can point them to this in the archives. :-)
> Regards,
> Andy
> Andy Raibeck
> IBM Software Group
> Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
> Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:
> The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
> The command line is your friend.
> "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 2005-09-30
> 19:31:43:
> > Hello,
> >
> > We currently have all but 1 novell TSM clients running 5.2.2 all
> > running fine although one backup is still running slow and needs
> > tuning is there any reason that I would need to upgrade to a
> > higher level client? I believe I read in one of the TSM manuals
> > that is helpful to keep the clients as close as possible to the TSM
> > server level. Our TSM server is currently at, Other than
> > that if everything is running ok is there any reason to upgrade? Also,
> > I know there is a minimum requirements for clients page can someone
> > email me the link.
> >
> > AIX RS/6000
> > Novell clients 5.2.2
> > TSM version
> >
> > Thanks in advance!

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