Hello everyone,

I am having issues with a tape drive shortage.  I currently have 15 LTO2
tape drives that are being shared between 2 TSM servers that are being
managed by an External library through ACSLS & Gresham.  I only want each
system to use 6 drives for the backup of the storage pools.  Would running
the following script solve my dilemma?

ba stg windows copy_windows maxpr=6 wait=yes
ba stg solaris copy_solaris maxpr=6 wait=yes
ba stg linux copy_linux maxpr=6 wait=yes
ba stg oracle copy_oracle maxpr=6 wait=yes
ba stg aix copy_aix maxpr=6 wait=yes
ba stg notes copy_notes maxpr=6 wait=yes
ba stg tape_windows copy_windows maxpr=3 wait=yes
ba stg tape_solaris copy_solaris maxpr=3 wait=yes
ba stg tape_linux copy_linux maxpr=3 wait=yes
ba stg tape_oracle copy_oracle maxpr=3 wait=yes
ba stg tape_aix copy_aix maxpr=3 wait=yes
ba stg tape_notes copy_notes maxpr=3

Also, what would happen if the backup of one of the storage pools fails?
Will all of the storage pools after that point in time not backup or would
it continue down the list?  If they all would fail, how can I circumvent
this issue from happening?  What would be my best method for getting the
data copied to tape?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions!

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems

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