==> On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 07:38:18 -0700, Neil Rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> When deleting Rman objects on the TSM Server, TDP Oracle uses the delete
> function on objects....the objects do not move to inactive they are just
> simply deleted from the TSM Server.

Hmm, I thought they did move to inactive; They have their 'inactivate date'
set to the 1900, so unless you are retaining NOLIMIT, they'll dissapear next
expiration.  [ rustle through Oracle problem-trace logs ]  Here's an example.

These are from

 'select * from backups where node_name='WEBCT-DB' order by 

Before: [ query taken at 09:58 ]
WEBCT-DB        /webct-db       1       ACTIVE_VERSION  FILE    //      
df_WEBCT_4416_1_568435025       124553476       2005-09-08 02:42:02.000000      
        oracle  DEFAULT

After: [ query taken at 10:01 ]
WEBCT-DB        /webct-db       1       INACTIVE_VERSION        FILE    //      
df_WEBCT_4416_1_568435025       124553476       2005-09-08 02:42:02.000000      
1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000     oracle  DEFAULT

Is there something I'm missing about this?  Or is that just what happens in
the DB when the API issues a 'Delete this file' request?

> So if you are certain that Rman is deleting the objects from the
> controlfile, then my guess is that your TSM Node is not configured with
> "backdel=yes".

Second the motion.  We ran into this.

- Allen S. Rout

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