TSM Windows Client 5.3
TSM UNIX Server 5.3.1

Win2k server node compression is off.  Schedule log shows compression off
but daily scheduled incremental backup show 91% compression.  What could
be causing this?

Server is set to make sure that client node compression is always off.

Another part of the puzzle is that this only happens once in a while. This
node has been backup up nightly and not doing any compression and our
settings have not changed.

Server Node configuration
Node Name: SOACS
Platform: WinNT
Client OS Level: 5.00
Client Version: Version 5, Release 3, Level 0.0
Policy Domain Name: WIN-DOMAIN
Last Access Date/Time: 10/13/05   09:08:08
Days Since Last Access: <1
Password Set Date/Time: 09/27/05   13:21:23
Days Since Password Set: 16
Invalid Sign-on Count: 0
Locked?: No
Compression: No
Archive Delete Allowed?: Yes
Backup Delete Allowed?: No

Node Schedule Log
10/12/2005 21:04:18 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN
10/12/2005 21:04:18 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END
10/12/2005 21:04:18 Next operation scheduled:
10/12/2005 21:04:18
10/12/2005 21:04:18 Schedule Name:         NIGHTLY
10/12/2005 21:04:18 Action:                Incremental
10/12/2005 21:04:18 Objects:
10/12/2005 21:04:18 Options:
10/12/2005 21:04:18 Server Window Start:   19:01:09 on 10/12/2005
10/12/2005 21:04:18
10/12/2005 21:04:18
Executing scheduled command now.
10/12/2005 21:04:18 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN NIGHTLY 10/12/2005
10/12/2005 21:04:18 Incremental backup of volume '\\soacs\c$'
10/12/2005 21:04:18 Incremental backup of volume '\\soacs\d$'
10/12/2005 21:04:18 Incremental backup of volume 'SYSTEMOBJECT'
10/12/2005 21:04:19 Querying Journal for '\\soacs\c$'
10/12/2005 21:04:20 Processing 277 Journal entries for '\\soacs\c$'
10/12/2005 21:04:22 Querying Journal for '\\soacs\d$'
10/12/2005 21:04:23 Processing 1 Journal entries for '\\soacs\d$'
10/12/2005 21:04:50 Successful incremental backup of '\\soacs\c$'
10/12/2005 21:07:59 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Total number of objects inspected:    2,175
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Total number of objects backed up:    2,102
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Total number of objects updated:          0
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Total number of objects rebound:          0
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Total number of objects deleted:          0
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Total number of objects expired:        166
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Total number of objects failed:           0
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Total number of bytes transferred:    308.83 MB
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Data transfer time:                   22.14 sec
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Network data transfer rate:        14,278.78 KB/sec
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Aggregate data transfer rate:      1,431.30 KB/sec
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Objects compressed by:                   91%
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Elapsed processing time:           00:03:40
10/12/2005 21:07:59 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
10/12/2005 21:07:59 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END NIGHTLY 10/12/2005 19:01:09
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Scheduled event 'NIGHTLY' completed successfully.
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Sending results for scheduled event 'NIGHTLY'.
10/12/2005 21:07:59 Results sent to server for scheduled event 'NIGHTLY'.

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