  I would like to know how to explain a situation in which when 1 or more
incremental backups of some large 2 TB 5+ million file servers are running
there appears to be an affect on any data restorations.

If I cancel those backups, the data restorations start running much

So far my idea was that since the 'txngroupmax' was cranked up on those
large servers that TSM wont allow the restoration to allow its next batch
of files to restore until that large backup has hit the txngroupmax point.
 But this would mean that TSM is not very 'parallel' in its
backup/restorations, but 'serial'.
It also could have with the 'resourceutilization' at 6 for those large
servers as well.

However during this time period there are 10-20 other backups running of
other smaller servers, cancelling them did not make as big a difference as
those large ones.

I think the underlying problem could be not very good database
performance, but that still doesn't satisfy my problem of if I just cancel
those backups restorations speed up.

Any insight into this phenomena with TSM could help me.

Matt Glanville

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