We are building a new TSM installation for a client and I have been

asked if TSM can use LDAP to authenticate the admin userids. They

don't want to have to maintain a separate userid/password mechanism

just for the TSM servers if they can avoid it.


I have never seen anything that leads me to believe this is possible,

but I've also never seen anything that says it isn't. Unfortunately,

searches for keywords like "ldap" in the list archives and support site

results in many, many hits on how to back up ldap, but not on how

or whether to use it.


Does anyone know if this can be done?  The only alternative I have so 

far is some sort of scripted mechanism to regularly pull data from ldap

and update TSM.


This is on TSM 5.2.3, on Solaris9.


Loren Cain



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