Greetings TSMers,       
        I am remotely helping a coworker with an AIX system running TSM
5.2.2, and AIX 5.2 (not sure which maintenance level, but I think it is
ML2).  He is trying to install a ADIC iScalar 2000 library with LTO2 drives
in it.  We have the TSM device drivers fileset installed, and the library
and drives zoned into one of the FC adapters.  When we ran config manager
and used the TSM Devices smit dialogue to scan the FC adapter to configure
the device, it discovered the LTO tape drives, and assigned /dev/mt0,
/dev/mt1 addresses to them just fine.  But it didn't configure the
autochanger, and we can't figure out why.
        The adapter we are using already has STK tape drives already on it,
and they are working fine.  My coworker checked and there is no conflict
with the LUNs we are using.
        One thing that I checked was the FC adapter setting.  All the
adapters on this system are set to FC-AL.  I have noticed that the FC
adapters under AIX seem to come set to FC-AL by default, and you need to
change them to FC Point-to-Point if you want them that way.   I have also
saw on another system once that we could not see the autochanger for a
IBM3584 when the FC adapter was set to FC-AL.  But we could see the drives.
When we changed it to FC Point-to-Point then we had no problem configuring
the autchanger and drives and everything worked.
        Has anybody seen this before?  I would like to just try it and see,
but since there are already STK drives on the FC adapter, changing the
adapter to Point-to-Point would affect those, and I don't want to guess and
be wrong and whack those drives.

Best Regards,

John D. Schneider

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